SEO Checker

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Check your website search engine optimization with our
SEO Checker.

online tools
What does the online tool do?
With Mondoze SEO Checker, it’s simple to test the search engines SEO rank of your website.

You can perform a comprehensive SEO test online to check whether your site meets the requirements of search engines like Google and Bing. With this data, you can optimize your site to increase your ranking.
What does the Mondoze SEO Checker test?
Our SEO Checker tool assesses all the important aspects of search engine optimization. And you will receive a detailed analysis based on:
seo data
How does the check work?
Simply enter your website address into our SEO Checker and it will start to analyze your site automatically. A more detailed SEO audit checklist can be obtained with additional fee.

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SEO Checker
FAQ – Frequently asked questions
Why should I use the SEO Checker?

With our SEO analysis report, you can easily access to all the important facts regarding your website’s visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. High ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) is important to your website. Nowadays, search engine optimization has become one of the most important disciplines in modern online marketing to achieve high ranking. Our site SEO ranking checker shows you where your website is placed, and reveals areas that need further optimization.

What is the focus of the SEO Tool?

The SEO analyzer provides a detailed SEO checkup of your website’s visibility and provides optimization potential related to all important SEO disciplines. This includes on-page optimization methods and off-page optimization. You will also receive information on social media marketing from an SEO perspective, and data on user-friendly display formats, such as responsive web design.

What is a good on-page result?

The on-page result of our SEO test tool shows you broken links, the amount of headings in need of improvement, as well as page title and description tags that need to be optimized. Accordingly, a good on-page result would show correctly selected headings, and page title and description tags that are neither too long, too short, nor duplicated. Furthermore, the site SEO check also highlights faulty links. The following sections explain what these individual aspects are and what you have to consider in more detail.

The word link is short for the IT term, hyperlink, which are code elements used to allow navigation to another webpage. Links are a core component of the internet, since they connect individual websites together, allowing users to navigate easily across the net. There are two types of links: internal links navigate within the same website, while external links (also known as backlinks) link from one site to another. Backlinks are especially important for off-page SEO because search engines treat them as recommendations from one site to another. On the other hand, internal SEO links are an important factor for on-page optimization: They facilitate a user-friendly website structure, which also allows web crawlers (also known as spiders) to assess the SEO value of a site. The idea is that the easier it is for a crawler to follow an internal SEO link structure, the easier it is for a human user to navigate the website.

The SEO link checker evaluates the your website link profile, giving you concrete data. In the on-page results, you will see an overview of all the broken links on your site. On this basis, you can strengthen and optimize your internal linking structure with SEO link building.

Page titles
The page title, or meta title, is an important HTML tag that appears at the start of an HTML document, even before other metadata. This SEO title tag is particularly important for search engine crawlers, since they are shown as headings in SERPs. Their length, calculated in pixels rather than characters, is crucial to ensuring the title is displayed in full. Exceeding the pixel limit is undesirable, since the end of the SEO title is cut off and replaced with an ellipsis (…). Strong page titles mostly contain the brand name and a relevant keyword. Our SEO analyzer helps you to optimize your title tags; the on-page results include an SEO title check showing which ones are search engine-friendly and which ones need optimizing.

Page descriptions
Page descriptions, or meta descriptions, are also covered by our SEO Checker. You receive important information regarding the optimization of these meta tags. They are displayed below the page title on SERPS and serve to summarize the content of the page briefly and informatively. This makes meta description tags significant both for good SEO and encouraging user clicks. They should always be unique and contain no more than 160 characters, so as not to be trimmed by the search engine, but can include special characters to attract the interest of readers. Including the brand name and discreetly placed keywords in the meta description is useful for SEO, since they are highlighted in SERPs and also help to orient web users. Our SEO Checker tool performs meta description analysis to show you, for example, how many pages on your website have duplicate descriptions, or no description whatsoever. Furthermore, guidance is given on the correct meta description length.

Heading, header or h tags are HTML elements used on a webpage, which are also highly important for search engine rankings. They are distinguished in order of descending importance, from the main SEO title h1, to subheadings h2 to h6. Heading tags essentially enable the naming and structuring of different sections of content. For SEO, h1 tags at the start of HTML documents are most important because they contain keywords that immediately show both users and crawlers what the content is about. When they are clearly written and contain highly relevant keywords, heading tags serve as positive SEO signals. They ought to be as short, succinct and informative as possible. From our SEO site checkup, you can find out how your h tags fare from a search engine perspective, and where there is room for improvement.

What is a good off-page result?

A good off-page result is achieved by increasing both the number and quality of your backlinks. If the SEO backlink checker shows many different external links, this is a good sign, as it shows that your website has been linked from several other sites. Ideally, this will improve your ranking because search engines treat backlinks as recommendations. A high number of external links from relevant and authoritative sites also has a significant impact in this regard, as does the quality of the sites.

Natural SEO backlinks — that is, meaningful and honestly integrated links — are therefore one of the most decisive aspects of off-page SEO. The quality of the link environment and the reputation of the backlink’s source website are also important ranking factors. In order to test the quality and relevance of these external pages, the off-page results of your SEO analysis report will display an overview with a selection of pages that have linked to you. During your optimization efforts, note that attaining links should be a steady and continuous process. An unnaturally fast acquisition of SEO backlinks is likely to be penalized by search engines, so be sure to follow sustainable link building methods.

Is there a difference between desktop, smartphone and tablet display formats?

Yes. A website that has not been optimized for mobile devices may look great on a desktop computer, but it will be poorly displayed and difficult to operate on the smaller screens of smartphones and tablets. Our SEO Checker checks if the display format of your website is optimized to modern standards, as well as other ranking factors such as the site loading time. This focuses on whether it is optimized for mobile devices: websites with a responsive design are rated highly by search engines like Google because they improve the user experience. These SEO and mobile-friendly responsive pages adapt optimally to any screen size, ensuring a consistently high level of user experience.

This is crucial for the success of your web project because web browsing on smartphones and tablets is fast overtaking desktop computers for the sake of both usability and SEO, responsive design is therefore key. Furthermore, the SEO Checker provides you with the data on your website’s loading time to ensure your site loads quickly, especially for mobile devices, otherwise your visitors are likely to lose patience and leave.

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