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How to Build a Secure WordPress Site

Cybersecurity tops the list of online concerns for website owners and users alike. There are over 90,000 hacking per minute striking websites around the world. Scammers don’t just target large corporate websites, but they also target small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and individuals running personal blogs.

No platform is ever completely safe from malware, hacking, and other kinds of cyber-attacks but WordPress security includes protections on the source code itself, as well as precautions taken by both a hosting provider and site owners themselves. There is a way of building a secure WordPress Site..

Protect Customer Information With a Secure Socket Layer

(SSL) stands for Secure Socket Layer, a small data file that adds a cryptographic key to data transfer between the web browser and the server through encryption and authentication. An SSL certificate is vital to any website that plans to sell products or services and complete secure transactions. Installing an SSL certificate lets site visitors know that any personal information they submit through your site is protected.

Is my Site Secure?

In order for a website to be Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) compliant. They are required to have an SSL certificate installed on their site. A website that has an SSL certificate installed is commonly indicated by a green padlock next to the website URL in your browser. A grey or red padlock indicates partially secure or insecure connections.

What are the Benefits of SSL?

HTTPS is a protocol that works with the SSL certificate

Tells all potential site visitors there is a secure connection between their browser and your server

Makes it harder for hackers to eavesdrop on the connection

Is activated whenever a visitor accesses an HTTPS site.

Unsecured HTTPS

In the event of an unsecured HTTPS or SSL certificate that doesn’t match. A visitor may receive the following message or one similar to it that can warn them of a potential threat on the site.

If a server is falsifying their HTTPS and the SSL certificate doesn’t match. Then browsers like Chrome can identify it and warn the visitor of potential threats before allowing a user to continue on the site.

The Importance of Secure Passwords

Having a secure password is a great option that can help with the security of your site. The most common WordPress hacking attempts use stolen passwords. Hackers often attempt to get access to a site by “brute-force attack” entering usernames and passwords again and again until one works.

How You Can Keep Your Password Secure

Use a password manager to store all your passwords to help you to manage them using one master password.

Include numbers, symbols, uppercase, and lowercase letters when creating your password.

Avoid using obvious personal information such as birthday, anniversary, pet and relative names (WordPress helps with this automatically!)

It is never too late to act and protect your website. Security is an essential aspect of a website that can keep you clear of any malicious attacks or hacking on your site. Whether you’re protecting customer information with an SSL certificate or changing your password, every little step counts to ensure the safety of your site.