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What is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting, also referred to as virtual hosting, is a way to host your website on a single physical server that also hosts additional sites. Within the server, there are software applications that make managing and accessing your website easy.

The environment is like sharing a highway with other cars. Hundreds or even thousands of users can share the same server, which means they also divide the costs. This “collective” platform makes it the most inexpensive and popular option of all the web hosting setups. Many bloggers, start-ups, and small businesses use shared hosting to host their websites since it’s so easy to get started.

How much does shared hosting cost?

The cost depends on the level of service a web host provides. Generally, you can expect to pay $1 to $20 a month for space on a shared server.

How does shared hosting work?

Shared servers are similar to computers in that they have hard drive space, a central processing unit (CPU), and RAM. These resources are shared with other users host by the server. This makes it possible to securely store all the saved files, data, and information making up your website.

When anyone requests access to your website from their computer, the stored data of your website is sent from the server to the internet user. Shared hosting takes advantage of a server’s optimal utility, since each individual website generates different amounts of traffic, at different times.

What is Shared Hosting? 

Effects of sharing a server

As state, utilizing a shared server is like sharing a highway. You pay taxes to have highways maintained, just like you pay a small monthly fee to use shared hosting. Because many people contribute to the costs, individual prices for users are keep at low.

If you’re expecting low-to-moderate traffic on your website, then a shared hosting package is a fantastic choice, since it’s affordable and convenient. However, just as a lot of cars on a highway can cause congestion, your website can experience a slight slowdown if the computing resources you share with others are direct to a website that is experiencing an unusually high volume of traffic.

Characteristics of shared hosting

Not all providers offer the same experience. Some factors that may vary from one hosting company to the next are explain below.

These should give you an idea of how to choose a reliable provider.

  • Uptime: Uptime is a measurement of how long a web hosting system has been continuously running. The best providers have high uptimes, indicating high reliability.
  • Traffic: If you already anticipate high traffic, shared hosting may not be an option. Web hosting companies generally have policies that prevent “bad neighbour effects,” which is when heavily trafficked websites hijack all the resources on a shared server. Make sure to read the policies to find a web host that can support your website’s traffic.
  • Resources: Although providers can accommodate many users, resources such as processing, and memory are still limited. Some web hosts limit what you can put on your website so that more users can share a single server. Be sure to read and understand your web hosts’ acceptable use policy to ensure your website is compliant.