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Things You can Do With VPS hosting

Things You can Do With VPS Hosting

In the early 1970s, IBM introduced an operating system called a virtual machine, or VM. The VM operating system allows multiple different computing environments to exist in the same physical environment, thereby elevating the shared access applications of mainframes to a new level.

The most common use of virtual private servers is to host websites. But, VPS hosting are capable of much more. So, what exactly can you do with VPS?

Media streaming

Ampache from Softaculous allows you to stream audio and share your music collection instead of managing YouTube playlists. Browse and manage your music collection through a simple web interface. Synchronize local and remote directories to a unique and consistent collection.


The best part of media streaming is, it is free and open source. This feature gives you complete freedom over the stream without worrying about issues from a platform’s terms of services (ToS). It also mitigates DMCA which is Digital Millennium Copyright Act violation issues.

Mail server

If you take your business seriously, you may have subscribed to an email hosting service for your company email address. However, here are some cost-saving tips. You can set up a self-hosted email server on the same VPS that your company uses to build a website.

For cPanel servers, the Horde and Roundcube webmail applications are common applications you might use. Unmanaged VPS hosting administrators can install one of them separately.

Having an email server on the VPS allows users to fully control outgoing emails, while allowing you to set advanced filters. Not to mention that you can also strengthen the security of potential spam.

Virtual Private Network

As security threats increase, hiding their location and IP address from Internet users has become more and more popular.

With VPN, it creates an encrypted tunnel between your computer location and the remote server. All your Internet traffic is routed through this tunnel, effectively masking your true location because your computer appears to have the IP address of the VPN server.

If you are looking for a free and secure way to set up a VPN using VPS, OpenVPN may be one you need to consider. Strong support from its open source community, regular updates, and a high degree of customization are some of the benefits of using OpenVPN.

Although setting up your own VPN with a virtual private server can be a challenge, especially if you are not tech-savvy, it may be worthwhile to have safer browsing and lower costs in the long run.

Software testing

If you are a programmer or software developer, you need to test your application in different environments to understand what works and what does not work. You can do this with a virtual private server. With the help of a virtualized environment, you can freely install any operating system or any application to test your work.

VPS allows you to create a sandbox. A sandbox is a virtual environment that many people use to build, test, and deploy software before entering the production environment. Testing in a virtual environment can simulate real live scenarios, which helps reduce the risk of downtime due to misconfigurations in the field settings. After completion, you can revert to the default settings in the VPS at any time.

Collaborative file edit

Both Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365 are very suitable for work project collaboration. However, some applications may reluctantly connect users to other third-party platforms, especially when the project is considered confidential, some applications may have security issues. Instead of working hard to maintain privacy in Google Docs, install your own collaborative real-time editor? is a privacy-focused cloud office suite for creating documents, presentations, spreadsheets, voting, project management boards, and even whiteboards.

All content is encrypted and decrypted by your browser. This means that documents, chats, and files are unreadable outside of the session you are logged in to. Did we mention that it can be installed for free on VPS? Yes, they are free and open source.

Video teleconference

Let’s face it, the global pandemic of 2020 has changed a lot of things, especially the way we meet and greet. One of the most commonly used tools during this period was video teleconferencing.

When it comes to video conferencing, Zoom dominates the market. However, when the security of Zoom was questioned, people began to look for more secure and private video conference calls for their virtual meetings, and this was when Jitsi appeared.

Jitsi is a free and open source video conferencing web application that can be used online for free or with desktop software. They provide an installation guide for the Debian-based GNU/Linux system, so you can easily install it on your VPS and start your own video conference.

Customer Relationship Management

Project management tools can help you plan internally, while customer relationship management applications target the external work of prospects and existing customers.

Every small and medium business (SMB) owner should try CRM to understand how it can enhance insight and productivity to optimize working hours and organizational workflow.

Softaculous provides specialized applications for CRM, one of which is Vtiger. You can expect the basic usage of CRM functions to be available, but the productivity and integration modules are only available for the paid version.

This is a list of 7 things you can do with virtual private server. In short, VPS provides security and flexibility for your application needs, is independent of neighbors in the server, and has complete control over your hosting environment. We also provide Cheap VPS Hosting around Asia