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About Cloudflare Mobile Redirect

Last modified: October 5, 2022
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Cloudflare Mobile Redirect

What does Cloudflare’s mobile redirect service do?

The mobile redirect service automatically redirects mobile device visitors to a mobile-optimized subdomain home page.

All mobile traffic to (the root/zone apex) and is redirected to the mobile-optimized home page. Above all ,Those records (root and www) must have Cloudflare’s performance service enabled (“orange cloud” in the DNS Settings) for the redirect to be active.

Who can use the mobile redirect service?

In addition ,The service is available to any domain signed up directly through Cloudflare on any of our plans.

After that , The service can be enabled within Cloudflare Settings > Performance tab.

Initially, the mobile redirect service is not available to domains signed up through hosting partners. Want to be notified when it is? Let us know.

How do I enable the mobile redirect service?

The mobile redirect option can be find under the Speed section after logging into your Cloudflare Account.

Will this apply to tablets like the iPad or Android tablets?

No.However, at this time tablets user agents will not match and trigger the mobile redirect feature. This is by design.

What are the mobile devices detect?

After that ,browsers from the following mobile devices are redirect to the mobile-optimized subdomain:

  • iPhone
  • Android
  • iPod
  • Blackberry
  • Palm
  • Mobile
  • Windows CE
  • Opera mini
  • AvantGo
  • Docomo

ADVANCED – How do I disable the mobile redirect for customers who want the full site on their mobile device?

 __cf_mob_redir = 0;

Replace in this example with your root domain.

To renew the mobile redirect, delete the cookie, or set it to expire after whatever duration you choose.

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