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Activate SEO Toolkit Personal at Plesk Control Panel

Last modified: October 5, 2022
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How To Activate SEO Toolkit Personal in Plesk

To activate SEO Toolkit Personal at Plesk Control Panel:

  1. First ,Let’s make sure the extension has been properly licensed for your Plesk license key by validating Plesk Additional License Keys with below steps:
  2. Next ,Log in Plesk.
Plesk log in account
  • Next ,Tools & Settings
Plesk tools and settings
  • License Management
license management in Plesk
  • In other words , Make sure “ext-xovi” is listed at License Management page. That shows the license key is ready. Now let’s move on to install the extension on your Plesk instance.
SEO toolkit license management page

Install SEO Toolkit Personal extension

  • Log in Plesk
  • Enter Extensions from left side bar.
SEO toolkit extension side bar
  • Search for SEO Toolkit Personal extension.
SEO toolkit personal extension in search bar
  • In addition ,Click Get it free to install SEO Toolkit Personal.
SEO toolkit personal installation
  • If you see
  • However , After installing SEO Toolkit Personal extension, you may open SEO Toolkit Personal to configure SEO setting.
SEO toolkit setting configuration
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