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Changing Collation in PhpMyAdmin

Last modified: October 5, 2022
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How To Change Collation in phpMyAdmin

Sometime, you may found out MySQL database collation might not set to the correct collation after restore your database to the server, however you may change the collation type through PhpMyAdmin.

You may refer to the step as below on how to change collation from PhpMyAdmin.

1. Login to your phpMyAdmin, you may see the collation type from your right panel.

2. Select your database from left hand panel, select on the structure(second icon) from Action tab, checked the checkbox of the database filed that you wish to change the collation and click on the change (Pencil icon).

3. You are allow to change the collation of the database field.

4. Click on the Operation from the top, you are allow to change the collation for the database tables.

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