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What Is The Difference Between Domain Transfer and DNS Update?

Last modified: October 8, 2022
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Difference Between Domain Transfer and DNS Update

For DNS ( Domain Nameserver) Update

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When you update the name servers for your domain name, you instruct the DNS servers on the internet to point the traffic for your domain name to our DNS (or “name servers”), which are:

  1. Nameserver 1:
  2. Nameserver 2:

Domain Transfer and DNS Update

DNS or Domain Name System is a system that points a domain name to a physical IP address. For example, when a user types in in their browser and hits enter, the DNS servers resolve it to the IP address where the website is hosted.

The purpose of DNS is to use easy-to-remember domain names for websites instead of their numeric IP addresses. It also enables website owners to change their web hosts without changing domain names. Website owners can simply change the DNS entry for their domain name and point to their new web host’s name servers.

You may obtain the DNS from your hosting provider.

Your website or email services will be having downtime after the DNS is updated. Normally it will take 18 to 72 hours of domain propagation period before your domain name will be fully resolved to the new server.

Therefore, it is advisable to perform the domain DNS update during off-peak hours.

For Domain Transfer

First off, when you use this term it usually refers to a Domain Registrar transfer. A domain registrar transfer happens when you transfer your domain from one domain registrar to another.

For example, transfer your domain from to The new registrar takes over management and billing for your domain.

However, before you transfer the domain name over, there is something that you need to aware of.

Learn more about DNS.

You may refer to the info of General DNS Propagation Information.

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