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Why can’t I see the statistics in my Cloudflare Analytics?

Last modified: October 5, 2022
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Why Can't I See the Statistics in Cloudflare Analytics?

There are a few reasons why you may not be seeing statistics in your Cloudflare stats:

1. You only recently signed up for Cloudflare. Statistics are delay 24 hours for domains on a free Cloudflare plan. You can upgrade to a paid plan if you want faster statistics.

2. If you signed up directly for Cloudflare, your nameservers are not pointing to us at your registrar just yet (registrars can take 24-72 hours to change the nameservers to ours). Statistics will not starting to gathering until we are detect the nameservers pointing to us.

3. If you sign up through a Cloudflare hosting partner’s panel option, something is not configured correctly.

4. Some browser extensions designed to block ads may prevent the analytics from loading. Disabling the extension or whitelisting should remove this possibility.

Note: Activations through a hosting partner works via a CNAME on the www record. If most of your traffic actually goes to, you would want to set a forward from to 

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