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How to use Forgot Password option in SolidCP

Last modified: October 5, 2022
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How to use Forgot Password option in SolidCP

1. Login to the control panel (replacing with your own domain name).

2. Click on the option “click here”.

3. And Next, fill in the Username and Click on “Send my Password”.

4. However, your one time temporary Forgot Password option in SolidCP shall be sent to the registered email address.

5. Please login to the control panel again with the details specified in the email.

6. After that, once you have logged in effectively, you will be led to modify your one-time password with the screen below.

Please specify a new alpanumeric password (combination of alphabets, numbers and symbols) else, may choose the option “Generate Password“.

7. Then, once the password has been changed , you will be logged out and shall be redirected to the login page.

8. Lastly, please re login again to the control panel using the new password that you have reset.

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