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Ping plotter

Last modified: October 8, 2022
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Ping Plotter

If you are having slow website access, it would be best to send us the trace route results via ‘PingPlotter’, as it would help us in identifying the issue better. 

Download from website
Requirement: Microsoft Windows Operating System
1. Go to -> Download -> Ping Plotter Freeware or directly download from
2. Install the pingplotter application and open it.

Step for Getting a Traceroute result from PingPlotter
1. Enter the domain name / IP address / server name or URL to the address to be trace.
2. Click on “Trace” button.
3. The pingplotter result will appear on the right.
4. You will see a columns for Hop, PL% which stands for Packet Loss, IP address, DNS Name, AVG for response time, CUr for latency and Graph.
5. Go to Edit and click on Copy as Images for traceroute result obtained.
6. Then attached it in the ticket or E-Mail to our support department.

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