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How to Using FTP with Cloudflare.

Last modified: October 5, 2022
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How To Use FTP with Cloudflare

If you try to connect via FTP to a domain that is protected by Cloudflare, it will not work. That’s because Cloudflare will only proxy traffic going through specific ports; standard FTP ports are not included.

Here’s how you can work around that in order to connect to your FTP server:

Option 1: Connect to the IP (preferred)

Connecting to the IP means you are bypassing Cloudflare’s protection which happens at the DNS level. As such, you will have no issues connecting via IP through your terminal (ftp or using your FTP client of choice.

Option 2: Create a grey-clouded record for your FTP that’s on the same IP as your webserver

If Option 1 doesn’t satisfy you, and you’re not overly worried about your site being attacked, or attackers finding out your IP address, you could simply create a DNS record that has Cloudflare turned off.

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